Stefan Schönert holds the Chair for Astroparticle Physics at the Physics Department of the Technical University Munich. Stefan studied physics at the Universities in Hanover and Munich and did his doctorate at the TU Munich with experiments at the Institut Laue Langevin Grenoble and at the Bugey reactor in France. This was followed by positions as a Marie Curie Fellow in Milan, research assistant and project responsible of the Technical University of Munich at the LNGS Gran Sasso and Visiting Associate Professor at the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo, before joining the MPIK as head of the independent junior research group „Neutrino Physics“. He has been founding spokesperson of the GERDA collaboration and co-spokesperson of the new LEGEND experiment. He is a Max-Planck-Fellow at the MPP Munich and has been awarded a prestigious Advanced Grant of the European Research Council recently. Stefan has been a member of the EAC since the Summer of 2016.