
Robert Svoboda

Professor of Physics
UC Davis

Dr. Svoboda’s expertise is in the field of neutrino physics, nuclear physics, and dark matter. He is a University of California Distinguished Professor and a Fellow of the American Physical Society. In addition to his experience as a SNOLAB user, he has conducted experiments at underground labs in Japan, France, and the United States. In addition, Dr. Svoboda has led or served in a major leadership role several large experi,emts, including LBNE (now DUNE), Super-Kamiokande, and KamLAND. He is a recipient of the AAS Rossi Prize, JSPS Asahi Prize, and Breakthrough Prize for his work in neutrino physics. In addition, he currently chairs the UC Berkeley Nuclear Engineering Advisory Board and serves as a member on the UC Davis McClellan Nuclear Research Center Advisory Board.