John Ryan obtained a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Laurentian University in 1994, a Bachelor of Engineering Degree from Laurentian University in 2001, and his Professional Engineering Designation (P.Eng.) in 2006.
John joined Vale Limited (formerly Inco Limited) in Sudbury, Ontario in 2001 as an Engineer in training. He has held numerous positions in mine engineering and operations, notably as Chief Engineer Creighton mine 2010-2012. Moving to a central role in 2014, John became responsible for the coordination and submission of six operating mine plans. As the Manager of Mines Technical services, 2014-2018, John’s portfolio included the conversion of resources to reserves and providing those business cases that support engineering study work. For the same period, John was the Qualified Person (QP) for Vale Ontario Division signing off on all technical statements that supported Ore Reserves.
In mid 2018, John moved to a global role within Vale Base Metals. As Principal Engineer, Underground Design, John set the standards for global best underground Mine Design practice. Study governance, application of new technology to enable fully integrated planning and scheduling, and global mineral resource reserve reporting fell under John’s portfolio.
In June of 2019, John accepted his latest position as Manager of Totten Mine Vale Base Metals.
John joined the SNOLAB Board of Directors in 2018.