Silvia obtained her PhD from the University Claude Bernard Lyon1 (UCBL1), France, working within the EDELWEISS collaboration, focused on data analysis. She then held postdoctoral positions in France at the Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon, in U.S. at the Southern Methodist University in Dallas, and later in Germany at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
Her interest in using novel, cross-discipline techniques to better understand the most puzzling questions in astrophysics and particle physics has led her to conduct research in the field of dark matter within the EDELWEISS, the CDMS and SuperCDMS Soudan experiments. Silvia is now a Principal Investigator on the SuperCDMS SNOLAB dark matter experiment. Her current research interest is to improve our understanding the composition of the universe, more specifically the understanding of the nature of dark matter via the direct detection of dark matter particles with nuclei in a target medium. An understanding of the composition of dark matter will change our views of fundamental particle physics and will require complimentary experimental techniques.
“I am proud of having succeeded in doing what I love: applying the physics that I studied and that I am passionate about in searching for dark matter particles with masses smaller than ten protons. Detecting these particles would open up a window into a completely unknown set of new particles.”
“I wonder all the time. That curiosity is what keeps me excited about my work and inquisitive about the world around me. That same curiosity allows opportunities that we wouldn’t have if we just accepted results and never asked, ‘why?’. In science, the real answer is usually far from obvious. That is why I chose physics.”
“When I am not looking up at the universe, I love diving and exploring the sub-marine world.”
(705) 692-7000 ext. 2210