In partnership with Laurentian University, SNOLAB hosted the annual Student Talk Competition on Monday August 13th. This much anticipated day provides an opportunity for students who have been working on SNOLAB-related projects to update both their peers and the SNOLAB community on their progress. The challenge is to communicate their research clearly, while keeping the audience engaged and the technical aspects of the science at the forefront.
Sixteen students from a variety of disciplines presented on topics from computer coding to process plant commissioning to detector calibrations. In addition to learning about what each student has been working on this summer, the audience heard about their most memorable moments, favorite places and other fun facts with each introduction.
The third place winners were Forest Mahoney who presented on his analysis of neutron detector backgrounds in the HALO experiment, and Rachel Richardson who presented on her work with the rope stretch tests for the SNO+ experiment. Second place went to Alex Wen who updated on his summer work for the NEWS-G experiment. The first place prize, attending the 2019 CAP Congress, went to Jamie Grove for her presentation on AmBe source analysis in measuring reactor anti-neutrinos for the SNO+ experiment.
I was really impressed by both the research quality and the progress made by students over such a short time in their work here at SNOLAB and at Laurentian University” Jeter Hall, Director of Programme Delivery for Science said as he addressed the audience. The SNOLAB team congratulates all students for their presentations and wishes them all the best as they continue their studies next year.