This past June, students who work on experiments at SNOLAB attended the Canadian Association of Physicists Conference (CAP 2012) in Calgary, Alberta to share their results and projects with their peers, colleagues and scientists.
SNOLAB wanted to congratulate Tina Pollmann and Corina Nantais on their excellent talks and posters presented at this years conference. Tina Pollman won the CEWIP (Committee to Encourage Women in Physics) Award, the Best Poster award in the Particle Physics Division, Best Poster Overall and also for her talk in the Particle Physics Division. Corina Nantais won second place for her talk in the Particle Physics Division.
TIna PolImann is an International student from Germany and is working on her PhD with the DEAP experiment at Queen’s University. Ms. Pollmann is working on a model to describe the distribution of the “fast to total” discrimination parameter and its energy dependence as seen in the data. She will also be building a test setup to study the signals that alpha particles impinging on the wavelength shifter cause in the detector.
Corina Nantais is working on her Master’s degree with the DEAP-3600 Experiment at Queen’s University. Ms. Nantis’ focus is on radiopurity measurements of the acrylic used in the DEAP-3600 experiment.
SNOLAB Backgrounder.
The SNOLAB International Underground Science Facility is situated 2 km (6800 ft) underground in Valeʼs Creighton Mine near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. The facility was created by an expansion of the underground research areas next to the highly successful Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) experiment. The entire laboratory is operated as an ultra-clean space to limit local radioactivity. With greater depth than any other international laboratory it has the lowest background from cosmic rays providing an ideal location for measurements of rare processes that would be otherwise unobservable. Measurements are planned by a number of international collaborations that will seek Dark Matter particles left from the Big Bang and search for a rare radioactive process called neutrino-less double beta decay that could help explain the the development of matter in the early Universe. Other experiments will measure neutrinosfrom the Sun, the Earth, watch for Supernovae in our galaxy and measure local seismic activity. The facility is operated by the SNOLAB Institute with Canadian scientific participants from Carleton University, Laurentian University, Carleton University, Queenʼs University and University of Montreal.
For more information on SNOLAB contact:
Samantha Kuula
Communications Officer
Phone: (705) 692-7000 ext. 2222