Every summer, SNOLAB and Laurentian University hold a summer student talk competition for summer students who spent all or part of their summers working at SNOLAB and on the various experiments underground here.
The talk contest provides students an opportunity to share what they worked on over the summer and to practice their scientific presentation skills.
This year’s talks took place on Friday, August 23 at Laurentian. A record-setting 21 students presented on their work in physics, engineering, chemistry, and commuications. All of the talks were interesting and engaging, and with so many excellent presentations to choose from, the judges had a difficult task choosing the top five. First prize this year went to Emma Klemets of McGill University, for her presentation on Supernova neutrino detection with nEXO’s outer detector. Second prize went to Caroline Deluce of Carleton University, presenting on the Water/scintillator interface height of SNO+. Third prize went to Kurtis Bolduc of Laurentian University, presenting on Construction of the nEXO 15m test calibration cable. Honourable mentions went to Remington Hill of Laurentian University talking about nEXO PMT placement optimization and analysis, and to Shawn DeKlerk of the University of Waterloo talking about Chemistry + molecular modelling for novel tellurium research.
Congratulations to all of the students who presented, and thank you to the team of judges.
by Jenna Saffin
Communications Coordinator