SNOLAB congratulates Nigel Lockyer in his new appointment as Director of Fermilab, the U.S. National Laboratory for particle physics. Whilst Director at TRIUMF, Nigel has been a great supporter of the Canadian particle physics and underground science communities, and we look forward to continuing to work with Nigel and the Fermilab teams as they develop the U.S. neutrino and dark matter programmes over the coming years.
Dr. Nigel Smith, SNOLAB Director sent his wishes to Dr. Lockyer; “it has been a great pleasure to work with Nigel during his tenure at TRIUMF, helping to support and develop the Canadian particle, nuclear and underground physics capabilities. His vision, enthusiasm and drive have contributed greatly to placing Canada at the forefront of these fields with world-leading major research infrastructures. I look forward immensely to working with him from his new role at Fermilab, and wish him, and his new colleagues at Fermilab, great success in the future.”
Currently Fermilab is involved in three projects located at SNOLAB: COUPP, SuperCDMS and DAMIC; with COUPP and DAMIC currently in data taking operations.