February 24-28 was Research Week at Laurentian University, an annual celebration of the research being done by Laurentian faculty and students. In addition to recognizing outstanding research achievements from the past year, Research Week offers an opportunity for students to share their work and hone their presentation skills.
This year SNOLAB hosted a Paint Your Research workshop, encouraging participants to think about how their research could be represented visually. The pieces, which participants had just two hours to complete, were included in the SciArt exhibition so they could be shared with the Laurentian community. This is the second Paint Your Research event SNOLAB has hosted, and the original idea came from Cindy Lin, a postdoc working on SNO+.
The SciArt (science-art) exhibition provides new perspectives on academic subjects by encouraging artists to explore research topics and scientists to look at their work through an artistic lens. The show, featuring artists from Laurentian and the broader Sudbury community will be on display at Science North from Monday, March 2 to Friday, March 13. There will also be a science-themed Evening for Poetry at Science North on March 10thfrom 7:00-10:00 pm, with readings and prize winners announced following a blind judging.
SNOLAB thanks all of the students and faculty who shared their research this week, especially physics students Jamie Grove and Adil Hussain and materials science student Pouya Khaghani who all gave excellent talks about their work on SNO+ as part of the graduate symposium. It is inspiring to hear about the innovative research happening within the Laurentian community, and SNOLAB congratulates all those who were recognized with research award this year.