Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, today announced 125 new appointments to the Order of Canada. The new member list includes 4 Companions (C.C.), 35 Officers (O.C.) and 86 Members (C.M.).
Appointed as Officer to the Order of Canada is Dr. David Sinclair, a driving force for SNO and SNOLAB in addressing fundamental questions in elementary particle physics, astrophysics and the evolution of the universe.
David Sinclair is one of Canada’s most eminent scientists in the field of experimental subatomic physics. Dr. Sinclair was one of the founders of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, the experiment that helped solve the solar neutrino problem and the Facility Development Director for SNOLAB (2002-2007). The resolution of the solar neutrino puzzle resulted in a significant revision of our understanding of the elementary particles and has opened new areas of research in particle physics.
Dr. Nigel Smith, Executive Director of SNOLAB, was delighted to hear of Dr. Sinclair’s appointment, “this is a great recognition of David’s vision and leadership in the development of the SNOLAB facilty for deep underground science. SNOLAB is a world-class facility, with a rapidly developing science programme, which has placed Canada in the vanguard of this area of burgeoning science. Thanks to David’s stewardship, Canada has a great opportunity to lead the world in the search for rare physics and science processes, such as the search for the Galactic dark matter, and the measurement of neutrino masses. Congratulations to David on this well deserved recognition.”
SNOLAB would also like to extend congratulations to Dr. Kerry Rowe who was also appointed to Officer of the Order of Canada “for his seminal contributions to the field of geoenvironmental engineering, notably for his pioneering research in waste barrier systems.” Dr. Rowe chaired the SNOLAB Institute Board, providing expertise and leadership for many years.
About the Order of Canada
Created in 1967, the Order of Canada, one of our country’s highest civilian honours, recognizes outstanding achievement, dedication to the community and service to the nation. Close to 7 000 people from all sectors of society have been invested into the Order. Their contributions are varied, yet they have all enriched the lives of others and have taken to heart the motto of the Order: DESIDERANTES MELIOREM PATRIAM (“They desire a better country”). Appointments are made by the governor general on the recommendation of the Advisory Council for the Order of Canada.
A full list of appointees is available here.