Science and art collided on Wednesday March 21st as over 100 works of art were curated and assembled in the Atrium of Laurentian University (LU) for the 5th Annual SciArt Exhibition. The show was part of the university’s 2018 Research Week and thisyear saw the largest numbers to date with contributions from elementary and high school students, LU faculty members, staff and students, along with members of the community.
There was a a huge variety of pieces in the science-themed art competition ranging from 2D, to 3D, to performance art. Submissions came from many disciplines including visual art, sculpture, stained glass, photography, poetry and music to name a few. Researchers were challenged to find aesthetic beauty in their work and artists were encourages to explore scientific concepts through their practice. Participants explored diverse themes including technology, geology, life science, chemistry, math, anthropology, physics, environmental science, and culture.
Prizes were awarded to the entries that were deemed most innovative in their fusion of the two disciplines by a jury made up of local artists and scientists. Among the winners was Dr. Erica Caden, SNOLAB Research Scientist, who won the LUFaculty Best in Show for the presentation of an intricate textile piece depicting a neutrino event display. Blaire Flynn, SNOLAB Education and Outreach Coordinator, was awarded the LU Staff Best in Show prize for a collaborative art piece exploring the idea and nature of dark matter. The SciArt competition winners were announced at the 2018 Research Week Awards Gala held on Thursday March 22 in Laurentian University’s Alumni Hall.
The show was extended for a two-week exhibit in the lobby of Science North allowing an even broader audience to connect with the pieces. The 2018 SciArt Exhibition was a successful event that attracted many visitors at each location and offered the viewer fresh ideas bridging the worlds of science and art.