Tuesday February 16th, 2 :30 PM EST A new journey to the center of the Earth: goeneutrino measurement with Borexino Livia Ludhova Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen University, Germany There are still several unanswered fundamental questions concerning our planet and in particular, about the deep Earth, from where we lack direct samples. Today, thanks to the progress in neutrino-detection techniques, a new and unique tool to study our planet exists: geoneutrinos, antineutrinos from the decays of long-lived radioactive elements inside the Earth. Last year, the Borexino experiment published its updated geoneutrino measurement. Thanks to both more acquired data, as well as to improved analysis techniques in an enlarged fiducial volume, the final precision has significantly improved. The seminar will introduce the field, describe the key elements of the updated analysis, and will present the measured geoneutrino signal. Geological interpretation and significance of the new result will be discussed, as for example in terms of the corresponding radiogenic heat, geoneutrino signal from the Earth’s mantle or the limit to the hypothetical georeactor. You are invited to join this new journey to the Earth interior!