Some Useful Information Concerning the results:
The Conversion factors for the primordial nuclides are given by: 1 Bq 238U/kg = 81 ppb U (81 x 10-9 gU/g) The 238U decay chain gammas used are: 226Ra: 186.1 keV
214Pb: 295.21 and 351.92 keV
214Bi: 609.31, 1120.29, 1764.49 and 2204.21 keV
The relationships are valid for any daughters in the 238U, 235U or 232Th chain only if the chain is in equilibrium. 1 Bq 232Th/kg = 246 ppb Th (246 x 10-9 gTh/g) The 232Th decay chain gammas used are: 212Pb: 238.63 and 300.09 keV
208Tl: 583.19 and 2614.53 keV,
228Ac: 911.21 keV
1 Bq 40K/kg = 32300 ppb K (32300 x 10-6 gK/g) The 40K decay chain gamma used is: 40K: 1460.83 keV
1 Bq 235U/kg = 1.76 ppm U (1.76 x 10-6 gU/g) The 235U decay chain gammas used are: 235U: 143.76, 163.33 and 205.31 keV

The measurements of the samples below take into account the background measurement. If a measurement is below the background then the upper bound shown is the 90% confidence limit.
DRIFT Measurements:

Sample Description Manufacturer Mass (g) Live Time (days) Counting Dates
(if applicable)

238U from 226Ra

238U from 234Th





DRIFT 1 Astral Technology Unlimited
Lot# 15-2913
2.1 g 4.423 Dec 14, 2011 (mBq/kg) 223.83 +- 319.79 26476.19 +- 19190.48 <211.82





Aluminized Mylar Mylar is polyethylene terephthalate polyester

Dec 19, 2011 (ppb or ppm) 18.13 ppb +- 25.80 ppb 2.14 ppm +- 1.55 ppm <372.79 ppb

<26.95 ppb

<131.01 ppm

<507.10 Bq/kg
DRIFT 2 Astral Technology Unlimited 3.3 g 6.654 Jan 4, 2012 (mBq/kg) 174.94 +- 147.38 <3023.82

37.93 +- 148.77 40.93 +- 147.83 <1345.70

212.12 +- 151.52 <68.99

Pure Mylar Mylar is polyethylene terephthalate polyester

Jan 11, 2012 (ppb or ppm) 14.17 ppb +- 11.94 ppb <244.93 ppb

66.75 ppb +- 261.83 ppb 10.07 ppb +- 28.46 ppb <43.47 ppm

<683.36 Bq/kg
In Progress and To Be Measured:

Sample Description Manufacturer Mass (g) Live Time (days) Counting Dates
(if applicable)

238U from 226Ra

238U from 234Th







(ppb or ppm)